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A facebook friend posted this and I want to make sure this won't hurt the environment?? "Were looking to lease mineral rights in Kentucky.This is your chance to change KY for the better. Be on the forefront of this major development. If you have mineral rights to potentially lease, contact me asap. Kentucky has more natural gas than coal. Using it will stop the venting that is currently polluting the atmosphere and allow for cheaper energy costs across the board.:)" I then asked how is this not fracking?/ he responded with "No fricken Fracking!!! We are simply capturing the venting gas currently being released into the atmosphere. We can also drill like oil to release the trapped gas at the surface. No fracking or pressurized cracking of the mantle that allows for oil to get into water ways. We are doing it the right way. Consolidation first of vented natural gas."

not sure 

A lobbying event is being planned for June at the State Capital in H-burg. I'll try to get more info and forward. Also, Should I assume you already know about Iris Marie Bloom and Protecting Our Waters? They're doing a lot of work in the Phila. area

Berks Gas Truth 

Berks Gas Truth asks you to sign an online petition calling for an outright moratorium on gas drilling in Pennsylvania. We welcome signatures from across the U.S. The petition will be submitted electronically to Gov. Tom Corbett and all PA legislators on June 6th. We'll have paper copies with us on June 7th when we meet with legislators in Harrisburg on Lobby Day. We'll also have a bill for a moratorium we'll ask them to sponsor. I'll post their reponses on Berks Gas Truth's website and Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/BerksGasTruth. Please help us gather as many signatures as possible to let our legislators know that we want the drilling to stop!

Citizens for a Healthy Community 

BLM scheduled to lease 30,000 acres for hydraulic fracturing in the North Fork Valley of the Gunnison in Delta County, in Western Colorado August 2012! We need Help with opposing this destruction and Please Note that Toxic Water from our water sources will feed into the Colorado River which in turn supplies six additional states with this poisoned water! These sister states include; Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona, Nevada, and California.PLEASE HELP US STOP THE Fracking BY CONTACTING US Senators Michael Bennett at 1(866)455-9866 and Mark Udall at 1(877) 768-3255 email for BLM Co_ufo_leasing@blm.gov Thank you and God Bless from Colorado

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